The Beginning

Amrita Vidyalayams are a chain of value based schools which are managed by Mata Amritanandamayi Math. Many years ago, as Amma pondered over the calamity that humanity is headed for due to the dearth of values, a group of devotees from Kodungallur, Kerala, approached Her with an appeal to start a school in their hometown. Perceiving in this a means to influence future generations by restoring value-based education for children and to guide the world towards peace and harmony, She agreed.
Thus the first educational endeavor of the Mata Amritanandamayi Math came into existence on June 1, 1987, with the establishment of an English medium school at Kodungallur named AMRITA VIDYALAYAM (AV).
Gradually, more Amrita Vidyalayam schools were started in many other places as well, both within Kerala and outside the state. Most of the schools in Kerala are affiliated to the CBSE. One school in Kerala is affiliated to ICSE. Most of the AV schools in Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra follow the curriculum of the respective state education departments and boards.
Amrita Vidyalayam, Ahmedabad

The Amrita Vidyalayam at Ahmedabad was established on 5th March 2003 under the auspicious blessings of Amma. Located just 1 km from Pavapuri bus station, Near Revamani Hall along Ghatlodia – Janata Nagar Road, in Ahmedabad, Gujarat. The school has a total built up area of 4756 sq m with 2 academic blocks.The Vidyalayam started off with education under CBSE syllabus upto Std. III. Today there are more than 1800 students undergoing education in our campus and the school is affiliated to the CBSE upto Std. XII.
Value Education and meditation classes are conducted in our school. Our Value Education program is not restricted only to an allotted period per week. Every available opportunity- from morning assembly to regular classes-is used for promulgating values. It is our experience that even while teaching mathematics, there is ample scope for sowing the seeds of good values.Our students are trained to develop a responsible attitude towards themselves, the school and society at large. Sanskrit chants, bhajans, meditation and yoga also from a part of Value Education program.
While the emphasis is on traditional Indian culture and values, the children are trained to respect all cultures and faiths. Our school day starts with Assembly, during which the children chant Amma's meditation sloka (verse) and a prayer for the welfare of all beings. Students pray and meditate for the world peace. We have different prayers for each day -Vedic chants, peace invocations, spiritual message of AMMA, value talks by students etc. are all part of the program. A chapter from the sacred Srimad Bhagawad Gita is chanted during assembly with its meanings and purport. The school breaks with the National Anthem and Shanti Mantra.


Philosophy & Mission

The philosophy of the Amrita Vidyalayam schools is based on contemporary practices of education blended with the ancient Gurukula method of teaching. This approach values individual learning styles and positive reinforcement while promoting understanding and creativity.
With commitment to family orientation as its hallmark, the school provides a valuable option for families that aspire to instill in their children individual educational ownership and responsible life-long learning in a safe and nurturing environment.
Our mission is to provide value-based education and mold the character of the younger generation through a system of wholesome learning, so that the earnest endeavor to achieve progress and prosperity in life is matched by an ardent desire to extend selfless service to society, one complementing the other.